Studio One V6 - PAL's Producer Template
When producing music, the last thing you want is to divert your attention away from completing the creative task at hand. I sometimes wonder how many great songs I’ve almost written, but forgot, while setting up a microphone or trying to find the right kick sample. Anything that stands in the way of you completing your creative goal, I call “friction.” I have taken tremendous steps to eliminate as much friction as possible, and one great tool that I’ve spent years getting right is my DAW Template. I HIGHLY recommend setting up a template of your own, but to get things started, I’m giving you my Producer Template for FREE. You may not have all the same plugins and your workflow may look slightly different than mine, but you should be able to use this as a fantastic jumping off point. Not only will it save you time while writing and recording but, I assure you, it will make you feel more in control of your song, your session and your business.